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November 17, 2014
FRP Community Meeting

Over 120 people participated in the second community meeting hosted by FRP on November 17 to discuss Redington Pass and how to work together to improve its future condition. OHV and ATV riders, hikers and environmental advocates, motor cyclists and mountain bikers, among other stakeholders talked together at 15 discussion tables about their shared and different values and recreational activities on the Pass. The following summary information about the study area and the findings from the community input process were presented by Rachel Glass, a University of Arizona Landscape Architecture graduate student: Site Analysis and User Analysis.

FRP is leading the development of a Collaborative Area Management Plan (CAMP) that will provide recommendations to the Coronado National Forest for improving future management of the Pass. An overview of the CAMP process was presented at the November Community Meeting. The CAMP process began with public input, and the next step is to assemble four Issue Groups that focus on:

  • Recreational shooting
  • Access on roads and trails for motorized and non-motorized recreation
  • Site-specific areas that are experiencing over use or misuse
  • Conflicts that arise among visitors that impact their experience and feelings of safety

A fifth Integration Group will be composed of representatives from the four Issues Groups and will work to align all the management suggestions and create alternatives for consideration by the larger Redington Pass community and ultimately by the Coronado National Forest.

Friends of Redington Pass is now asking for volunteers to participate on these working groups. Each group will be composed of no more than 12 people and will represent a broad diversity of stakeholders interests. Volunteers will be selected based on their familiarity with the Pass, their ability to represent an organizational entity or network of people interested in the Pass, and their commitment to participate in at least three working group meetings. All volunteers will work within a set of ground rules and guidelines developed by the Integration Group to assure all stakeholders’ interests are presented, respected and considered fully in the development of the CAMP recommendations.

Members of the working groups will be selected by the Friends of Redington Pass Board and will start meeting in January. Please consider volunteering for up to two of the working groups by completing the CAMP form. Sign up by November 30 if possible, so the groups can be formed and members notified in December.


To keep abreast of developments, please join our email list. Better yet, become a Friend by joining FRP as a member.


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Friends of Redington Pass, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charitable organization.